[Chaos CD]
[Contrib] [RFC Index] [RFC 000 - 099]    Inhaltsverzeichnis
[ -- ] [ ++ ] [Suchen]  



RFC 000 - 099


 RFC 1: Host Software 
 RFC 2: Host software 
 RFC 3: Documentation conventions 
 RFC 4: Network timetable 
 RFC 5: Decode Encode Language (DEL) 
 RFC 6: Conversation with Bob Kahn 
 RFC 7: Host-IMP interface 
 RFC 8: Functional specifications for the ARPA Network 
 RFC 9: Host software 
 RFC 10: Documentation conventions 
 RFC 11: Implementation of the Host-Host software procedures in GORDO 
 RFC 12: IMP-Host interface flow diagrams 
 RFC 13: Zero Text Length EOF Message 
 RFC 15: Network subsystem for time sharing hosts 
 RFC 16: M 
 RFC 17: Some questions re: Host-IMP Protocol 
 RFC 18: IMP-IMP and HOST-HOST Control Links 
 RFC 20: ASCII format for network interchange 
 RFC 21: Network meeting 
 RFC 22: Host-host control message formats 
 RFC 23: Transmission of Multiple Control Messages 
 RFC 24: Documentation Conventions 
 RFC 25: No High Link Numbers 
 RFC 27: Documentation Conventions 
 RFC 28: Time Standards 
 RFC 29: Response to RFC 28 
 RFC 30: Documentation Conventions 
 RFC 31: Binary Message Forms in Computer 
 RFC 32: Connecting M 
 RFC 33: New Host-Host Protocol 
 RFC 35: Network Meeting 
 RFC 36: Protocol Notes 
 RFC 37: Network Meeting Epilogue, etc 
 RFC 38: Comments on Network Protocol from NWG/RFC #36 
 RFC 39: Comments on Protocol Re: NWG/RFC #36 
 RFC 40: More Comments on the Forthcoming Protocol 
 RFC 41: IMP-IMP Teletype Communication 
 RFC 42: Message Data Types 
 RFC 43: Proposed Meeting 
 RFC 44: Comments on NWG/RFC 33 and 36 
 RFC 45: New Protocol is Coming 
 RFC 46: ARPA Network protocol notes 
 RFC 47: BBN's Comments on NWG/RFC #33 
 RFC 48: Possible protocol plateau 
 RFC 49: Conversations with S 
 RFC 50: Comments on the Meyer Proposal 
 RFC 51: Proposal for a Network Interchange Language 
 RFC 52: Updated distribution list 
 RFC 53: Official protocol mechanism 
 RFC 54: Official Protocol Proffering 
 RFC 55: Prototypical implementation of the NCP 
 RFC 56: Third Level Protocol: Logger Protocol 
 RFC 57: Thoughts and Reflections on NWG/RFC 54 
 RFC 58: Logical Message Synchronization 
 RFC 59: Flow Control - Fixed Versus Demand Allocation 
 RFC 60: Simplified NCP Protocol 
 RFC 63: Belated Network Meeting Report 
 RFC 64: Getting rid of marking 
 RFC 65: Comments on Host/Host Protocol document #1 
 RFC 66: NIC - third level ideas and other noise 
 RFC 67: Proposed Change to Host/IMP Spec to Eliminate Marking 
 RFC 69: Distribution List Change for MIT 
 RFC 70: Note on Padding 
 RFC 71: Reallocation in Case of Input Error 
 RFC 72: Proposed Moratorium on Changes to Network Protocol 
 RFC 73: Response to NWG/RFC 67 
 RFC 74: Specifications for network use of the UCSB On-Line System 
 RFC 75: Network Meeting 
 RFC 76: Connection by name: User oriented protocol 
 RFC 77: Network meeting report 
 RFC 78: NCP Status Report: UCSB/Rand 
 RFC 79: Logger Protocol error 
 RFC 80: Protocols and Data Formats 
 RFC 81: Request for Reference Information 
 RFC 82: Network Meeting Notes 
 RFC 83: Language-machine for data reconfiguration 
 RFC 84: List of NWG/RFC's 1-80 
 RFC 85: Network Working Group meeting 
 RFC 87: Topic for Discussion at the Next Network Working Group Meeting 
 RFC 88: NETRJS: A third level protocol for Remote Job Entry 
 RFC 89: Some historic moments in networking 
 RFC 90: CCN as a Network Service Center 
 RFC 91: Proposed User-User Protocol 
 RFC 93: Initial Connection Protocol 
 RFC 94: Some thoughts on Network Graphics 
 RFC 95: Distribution of NWG/RFC's through the NIC 
 RFC 97: First Cut at a Proposed Telnet Protocol 
 RFC 98: Logger Protocol Proposal 
 RFC 99: Network Meeting 


  [Chaos CD]
[Contrib] [RFC Index] [RFC 000 - 099]    Inhaltsverzeichnis
[ -- ] [ ++ ] [Suchen]